Utopitrade’s goal is to create a platform to support what you support. Whether your focus is on Fair Trade goods, Sustainable goods, Charitable goods, or all of the above, Utopitrade can give you a platform to project your voice.

Fair Trade

UtopiTrade’s aims to contribute and participate in the FAIR TRADE movement in its efforts to improve global trading conditions while promoting sustainability in developing communities around the world. UtopiTrade aspires to support artisans, farmers, and workers that enjoy good working conditions while receiving fair compensation. By utilizing existing certification bodies and membership organizations, UtopiTrade can use the qualifying and auditing work performed by well­established organizations like Fairtrade International, Fair Trade Federation, World Fair Trade Organization, and Fair for Life. Each product listing will bear a badge demonstrating such membership or certification, lending transparency and credibility to the label FAIR TRADE.


UtopiTrade aspires to support the SUSTAINABLE social and economic endeavors that strives to produce and distribute goods in a way that has a positive impact on the environment and our collective and individual health. By utilizing existing certification bodies and membership organizations, UtopiTrade can qualify and audit companies. Well­ established organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council for their FCS 100% and FSC Recycled certifications, as well as other certifications like Global Organic Textile Standard, Canada Organic Standard, Non­GMO Project, USDA Organic already have an intense system in place that can be applied. Each product listing will bear a badge demonstrating such membership or certification, lending transparency and credibility to the label SUSTAINABLE.


UtopiTrade will support CHARITABLE causes of all shapes and sizes. Charitable organizations will be a vital part of our compassionate marketplace, working to give back to the world. By utilizing federally and nationally recognized non­profit status, UtopiTrade plans to embrace government qualifications to evaluate sellers. UtopiTrade is also an opportunity for a 1 for 1 marketplace. Expanding beyond federal qualifications, UtopiTrade will support companies that encompass the implementation of a one for one model that Toms has made so popular. Each product listing will bear a badge demonstrating such membership or certification, lending transparency and credibility to the label CHARITABLE.

Partner with us

There is a growing trend for businesses to focus on corporate social responsibility and this includes sustainability, charity and fair trade. These forward thinking companies are on the right path. Partnering with UtopiTrade will give your company an opportunity to demonstrate your concerns for the future of our world. Companies that already have a clear sustainable voice, can use UtopiTrade as a partner to help them expand their goodw ill to fair trade, and charities. In converse there are lots of companies that are known for their charitable organizations. By partnering with UtopiTrade these companies could also back the sustainability movement and become a louder voice for fair trade.

UtopiTrade will install an established process to verify a product's authenticity in fair trade, sustainability, and/or charitable affiliation that can easily be communicated to the public for you.